~~ Latest paintings ~~

Some of Penny's latest art work, recently added to the website.

To purchase please contact the artist. Click on the thumbnails for a larger image:

Crested Francolin pair

"Crested Francolin pair". Oil on panel, framed, 720 mm x 520 mm. R9800 R7500


"Brown-hooded-Kingfisher". Watercolour, unframed, 210 mm x 298 mm. (A4) R1800


"Malachite-Kingfishers". Watercolour, unframed, 210 mm x 298 mm. (A4) R1800


"Red-capped-Robin-Chat". Watercolour, unframed, 210 mm x 298 mm. (A4) R1800


"White-browed-Robin-Chat". Watercolour, unframed, 210 mm x 298 mm. (A4) R1800


"Village-Weaver". Watercolour, unframed, 210 mm x 298 mm. (A4) R1800


"Southern Masked Weaver". Watercolour, unframed, 210 mm x 298 mm. (A4) R1800

"Red-billed Spurfowl pair". Oil on canvas, unframed, 530 mm x 400 mm. R3,500

Common Quail.jpg

"Common Quail". Oil on board, unframed, 310 mm x 260 mm. R950

Red-eyed Doves. Oil on panel, framed, 450 mm x 480 mm. R4,200

Magpie Shrikes

Magpie Shrikes. Acrylics on canvas,unframed, 1020 mm x 500. Currently in ZuluLulu Gallery, please contact the gallery on 0827757486 for price

Shelley's Francolins

"Shelley's Francolin". Oil on Paper, framed, 670 mm x 800 mm. R7,500

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